Sunday, July 8, 2012


This blog is a collection of lessons I've learned  that I'd want my kids to know in hopes of helping them navigate through life with fewer "hard knocks".  It includes my advice to them about a variety of topics.  These lessons and advice  will generally take the form of letters.

A while ago Elder Henry B. Eyring, 2nd counselor in The First Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, gave a conference talk and talked about the importance of recording lessons for our children.  He said, "I was supposed to record for my children to read, someday in the future, how I had seen the hand of God blessing our family".  He wrote daily how he had seen those blessings.  About 27 months after this talk was given I was getting ready for bed, with my sweet baby boy softly sleeping in his crib.  We had been home with him for nearly a month.  That day in church there was a lesson about David and how he used his free time tending sheep to ponder and receive inspiration from the Lord.  As I sat there pondering what the Lord would have me do I remembered Elder Eyring's talk and started a letter book for Caleb.

I have a journal for each of my three kids that I use to write important lessons, especially ones pertaining to them or learned from them.  There have multiple times I wanted to take one or more journals with me to write in during any free time I had, but I've been so nervous about losing them that I wouldn't take them and would inevitably forget the lesson.  I've also realized that there are multiple lessons I'd want all my kids to have, not just the ones in their journal.  Hence the reason that now, 2.5 years later, I'm starting a blog for those lessons.  I realize that makes some very personal experiences open to the public but my prayer is that these lessons might be helpful to others, not just my own kids, to improve and inspire and uplift and not used as a tool for judging me or my kids.  I'm casting some pearls out, so don't trample on them!  I can type faster than I can write, the lessons will be able to be saved, and I'll no longer have to walk the line between having the journals handy to write in often and in my fire safe to help protect them.  Plus I can type them up from anywhere without fear of losing everything.

Now what?
Initially I suspect that there will be a mixture of new entries and recording  of old entries, but it'll all get sorted out sooner or later.  Kiddos, I love you all, and I am so grateful for the many lessons I learn through you.  Watching you and our relationship together helps me understand my own relationship with my heavenly Father.  I hope that together we can create a database of learning for you, for your children, and for future generations to build on.  Family Scriptures, if you will.
Here we go!